Our Approach…

We recognise that as individuals we are unique and one size does not fit all when it comes to therapy. Hence our approach utilises a range of different modalities that best suit the client and their situation. We take an integrative and whole person approach Mind, Body, Spirit, because when one part is not functioning well, this inevitably affects the other parts.

Please enquire for further information regarding our approaches.

Creative approaches…

The use of creative tools in our work can help clients to tap into their visual, auditory and experiential way of communicating. Through the use of drawing, sand tray, picture cards, figurines, objects and role play the client is enabled to externalise and work with a metaphor or visual image. This process creates the avenue for the client to explore and express emotions that sometimes are difficult to articulate with words alone.

Working with children ( Ages 6 to 12 into TEENS )…

We provide support to school age children for the following presentations:

  1. Children who have been exposed to family domestic violence

  2. Children who are experiencing changes/grief and loss due to parental separation, divorce, death or other.

  3. Children who have/are experiencing bullying

  4. Children experiencing anxiety/stress

  5. Children experiencing adjustment issues

If your child has been recently diagnosed with ASD, ADHD, ADD, ODD and you are seeking out specific support for any of those new diagnoses please seek out other relevant service providers, as we only cover the above at this stage.

Our preferred approach is to see the parent(s) initially without the child(ren) present to ascertain and assess the appropriate direction, and formulate a plan. Together we discuss a plan and if agreed to then follow up sessions are made with the child. If the presenting issues are outside our scope of expertise and/or area of work, we can provide the parent(s) with referral directions.

Ideally our preference is to equip parents with strategies to support their child during difficult and challenging times. However, often parents are looking for a space for their child to talk about what is going on for them without the worry that the child may say something that may upset/hurt the parent(s)or other family members if present. Children often worry about burdening a parent especially where there may be a recent family separation, or conflict.

Engaging with children takes some trust building and depending on the age may take several sessions for this to be established. We use a variety of tools (as above) to engage the child at every session. Sessions with the child are confidential, however supporting the family as a whole is what our work is about.

Where families are separated, and where possible we prefer consent from both parents for the child to commence counselling. However, this is discussed case by case. Our priority is physical, emotional/psychological safety for the child and this may mean making decisions that may not align with the parent’s desires eg. not proceeding with counselling if there is a risk the other parent may interrogate or manipulate the child into disclosing what is said in session.

Working with families…

At Abundant Life Strategies our work with families is about support and/or restoration and we welcome families where there has been relationship conflict, separation, or loss of a loved one. Working with the whole family takes time and can be a slow process. At all times our priority is safety for everyone and this is considered in our process.

Please note, our work with families also includes working with adult children and their family of origins.


At Abundant Life Strategies we are bound by confidentiality laws and take this very seriously. We do not disclose client information to third parties without client written consent, the exception is in the case of a subpoena. Additionally, confidentiality extends to the minor, unless the child is at risk of self or other harm and appropriate steps taken to address presenting concerns.